Isle of Wight is Pile of Sh*te… According to Ofsted Chairman David Hoare
Ok, so the title of the blog this week is a little crude. But Ofsted Chairman David Hoare has been a very busy boy this week and publically described The Isle of Wight as a “Poor, ‘White’, ‘Ghetto’ that suffers from Inbreeding!”
Amidst the repulsive slurs that came from the Chairman of making sure every teacher in the United Kingdom does their job correctly, there is a shocking undertone of what has actually happened.
Firstly, David Hoare has managed to cover class, race, lifestyle and cultural discrimination, with a touch of sexual discrimination thrown in for good measure! Saying things like this even in private is taboo and unthinkable, especially for the chairman of Ofsted, but to openly use derogatory terms to describe underprivileged areas rings alarm bells!!!
We are talking about the man completely ‘In charge’ of monitoring and making sure teachers deliver lessons to a high standard throughout the UK and promote a safe learning environment for children with equal opportunities. Let’s be honest here, teachers are not keen on Ofsted at the best of times, with their stringent ideals on what makes an ‘outstanding’ teacher and how to conduct an ‘outstanding’ lesson. But we try to adapt to tick the boxes.
Mr. Hoare’s ‘backward’ words have gone against everything ‘good’ and ‘just’ that schools stand for… EQUALITY… Socially, racially no matter what skin colour or wealth or background, privileged or unprivileged, we work, we learn, we grow in harmony!
David Hoare has forgotten (ECM) Every Child Matters!
David Hoare is also in breach of ‘Equality Act 2010’ that states no members of educational bodies or suchlike should discriminate against race, age, gender, social equality.
Should Chairman of Ofsted David Hoare be punished for his publically spoken words?
Definitely Yes!!!
If a teacher said these words in a school they would automatically lose their job. We are talking about the head of making sure all teachers do the opposite of what he has done publically in the media. There is no question of a doubt sanctions need to be applied for such atrocious words.
I will leave you with an article from TES that relates to my story.
Exclusive: Ofsted chairman describes underperforming Isle of Wight as ‘inbred, poor, white ghetto’
5th August 2016 at 06:01
David Hoare also reveals he ‘did not want’ a teacher to become the watchdog’s next chief inspector
Ofsted‚Äôs chairman, David Hoare, has described one of England‚Äôs most educationally underperforming areas as a poor white “ghetto” that suffers from “inbreeding”.
The former City businessman has linked low school results on the Isle of Wight to social problems he says exist in the area.
Mr. Hoare, who has a home near the island, told teachers last week that it was often a topic of conversation with his dinner party guests.
“They think of it as holiday land. But it is shocking,” he said. “It‚Äôs a ghetto; there has been inbreeding.
“Seven state schools were all less than good. There is a mass of crime, drug problems, huge unemployment.”
The Ofsted chair was discussing the importance of improving education for the most disadvantaged at a Teach First conference in Leeds.
Coastal towns ignored
He said coastal towns were often ignored in terms of poverty and educational underperformance.
“I have a house overlooking the Isle of Wight and often over a dinner party, someone will ask ‚ÄòHow is education?‚Äô” he said.
“I say, ‚ÄòFantastic, I love doing what I am doing. We‚Äôre really going to make a difference.‚Äô But I say, ‚ÄòWe‚Äôre living seven miles away from the second worst local authority when it comes to secondary education and the third worst when it comes to primary education‚Äô.
“And I say ‚ÄòWhere is it? Portsmouth? No. Chichester? No. Bognor? No. We‚Äôre seven miles away and you don‚Äôt know we have a ghetto seven miles away‚Äô. British, white, poor, living on the Isle of Wight.”
He added: “Most people go there for sailing for two weeks a year. There‚Äôs a sailing club that is one of the best in the world, where there‚Äôs champagne.
“But just within inches, there are people who live in a ghetto and we‚Äôve allowed it to happen.”
Meanwhile, Mr Hoare has said he “did not want a teacher” to become the watchdog‚Äôs next chief inspector because he was seeking someone who “would listen very closely” and understand “the issues”.
His outspoken comments follow the selection of Amanda Spielman for Ofsted‚Äôs top job. Her complete lack of teaching experience provoked considerable controversy, with the NUT teaching union¬†describing the decision as a “sad indictment” of the government‚Äôs attitude to education.
“We have just appointed our new chief inspector and she was my choice for the job,” the Ofsted chairman said at a Teach First conference last week. “I particularly did not want a teacher.
“I want someone who will look at the data and the facts and understand what the issues are.”
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